Monday, February 11, 2013

One Billion Rising . Ahmedabad

OBR - One Billion Rising - is a day-long event that will see people from over 180 countries, raising their voice by rising and dancing to say ‘enough’ to violence against women. “We are using OBR as a launch campaign for a long term commitment to make Ahmedabad gender-violence free. We want women to walk wherever they want, whenever they want, without fear. I expect as many as 20,000 people to join in to play the raas and garba on songs created to highlight these evil issues,” she adds. To be held at Gujarat Vidyapith Sports Ground on February 14 between 5 to 7 pm, Ahmedabad Rising calls for everyone to join in the garba, a dance led not by men but one that “gives women full equality”. 

Here is one of the many faces supporting the cause
It signifies the freedom of garba, “how it’s contagious and spreads quickly”. As many as 1000 students have signed up for the event. Mallika says they have begun going to colleges and beginning Monday will go to schools, too, across the city. “PRL was the first to invite us to talk to scientists. But for the actual event to be held from 5 to 7 pm on February 14, we want every Amdavadi to come, stand up and say ‘I am there to oppose violence’. Anyone who feels that way should be there. In fact, there is a pop group from Delhi called Spaces led by singer Tritha Sinha who will be singing at the venue. 

There will also be different people from different walks of life speaking for about two minutes each on why they are standing up to stop violence against women,” says Mallika. While the idea is to involve students, educational institutions, NGOs, social groups, homemakers, groups of professionals like doctors and teachers, everyone will be taking a practical pledge, for example, if one sees an advertisement of a product showing a woman’s body that doesn’t require women in it, one must ask people to raise a voice. “We also want concerned people to suggest ideas.

Break the silence and talk to your parents, friends, brothers, sisters, teachers and neighbours. You could post a blog or make a video. Raise the awareness of others by challenging sexist or violent behaviour by speaking out,” sums up Mallika. Who knows, change could really be in the offing.

1 comment:

  1. People should participate in such collective collaborations
